This is just an idea of comparison about a child and a heart. So you can add comments or some other insights about this comparison.
A child is always hungry. cries out for milk, maybe for cerelac and his mother's breasts. Crumbles for water when he's thirsty, screams when he's tummy boils. He is like the heart - cries when it is lonely, bleeds when it is thirsty for love. It screams when it needs another heart to feed it. Feed it with joy, hope and courage. These three adjectives are like water, cerelac and the mother's breasts where the heart seeks for only one satisfaction.
The child is satisfied when he is filled with food. The heart is satisfied when it is filled with just love.
A child is inconstant in behavior. in a certain time span he smiles, cries, laughs out loud, screams, giggles, silences, envies, plays, frowns, asks. he do these verbs to just be simply satisfied. read more...